2017 Incidents |
January |
12 |
February |
21 |
March |
11 |
April |
10 |
May |
14 |
June |
12 |
July |
6 |
August |
7 |
September |
9 |
October |
12 |
November |
December |
Total |
114 |
2016 Total |
145 |
2015 Total |
124 |
2014 Total |
120 |
2013 Total |
107 |
2012 Total |
113 |
2011 Total |
133 |
| |
2007 Pierce Rescue-Pumper
Specifications & Equipment
Seating for 6 Personnel
1000 Gallons Water
1750 Gallon Per Minute Pump
15 KW Hydraulic Generator
Remote Control Top Mount Deck Gun
1200 ft. 5" Hose, 300 ft 3" Hose
2 - 2" pre-connected attack lines 200 ft each
1 - 2.5" pre-connected attack line with smooth bore
nozzle 200 ft
1 - 3" pre-connected attack line with step-gun 200 ft
1 - 3" pre-connected leader line with gated wye 200ft
2 - 1.75" pre-connected Bumper attack lines, 1 - 150
ft, 1 -100 ft
TFT Foam Pro-Pack & 95 GPM Eductor
30 Gallons Foam
35' Extension Ladder, 14' Roof Ladder, 10' Folding Ladder
Little Giant Ladder
& Exhaust Fans
High Rise Kit
6 - MSA 4500 SCBA
1 - MSA RIT Bags
2 - MSA Thermal Imaging Camera
MSA Multi-Gas Meter
AED, Oxygen, Medical Bag
K-Tool, R- Tool
Junk Yard Dog Rescue Struts, Cribbing
18 Volt Dewalt Tool Kit
Stihl Rotary Saw & Stihl Chain Saw
Water Rescue Rope & Personal Floatation Devices
Life Safety Rescue Rope
Haz-Mat Booms & Pads
2 - Brush Rakes